Overview of Pulumi Deployments and Its Challenge Tutorial 101: The Essential Guide
Pulumi Deployments is a new deployment-as-a-service technology that allows Pulumi to fully manage the infrastructure running as a code program for platform users.
One of the features of Pulumi Deployments is "Git Push to Deploy", which allows you to run a deployment whenever you add and push a Git repository.
Pulumi deployments help you provision infrastructure quickly and manage 10x scale.
Pulumi Deployments Preview
Pulumi Deployments is a new feature that automates the running of Pulumi applications in a secure hosting environment.
Deploy any stack with a click of a button, git push, or API call. Available as a preview today.
What are the benefits of Pulumi Deployments?
- Pulumi Deployments accelerate infrastructure deployments by remotely executing the
pulumi up
command when you click a button, push into a GitHub branch, or call the Deployments REST API. - Instead of using a CLI, you can use a managed service to run Pulumi applications and automate large-scale cloud deployments.
- Pulumi deployments are based on the same technology as the Pulumi Automation API, enabling organizations to manage up to 10x more cloud infrastructure resources per engineer compared to other infrastructures such as code tools.
Click on this link and Join Preview.
In this challenge, you will learn how to
- Create a project in the Pulumi service console to select an architecture model.
- Create a Pulumi application.
- Connect GitHub to your Pulumi deployment.
- Start updating your Pulumi service stack.
Few things you need in advance to do this Pulumi deployment.
- Pulumi account
- Pulumi CLI
- Pulumi Deployment preview added
- Python 3.9 or higher
- AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud account
- AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud CLI
- GitHub account
Create a project
- First, create a project in the Pulumi service console. Go to app.pulumi.com and log in.
- Select Stacks in the left navigation and click Create Project.
- Then choose the cloud you want to use, the language, and the template you want to use. Choose one of the other models from Starter.
- Select Next and specify in the project details: project name, stack name, and configuration values for the model.
- Selecting Create Project takes you to the New Stack Overview page.
Pull Your Project Locally
- Follow the getting started instructions on the new stack overview page.
- Create a new folder for your project in the CLI, then pull the github project. Don't run
pulumi up
mkdir deployment && cd deployment
pulumi new aws-python -s MakendranG/deployment/dev
MakendranG/deployment/dev - You need to update with your project details.
- Then create a git repository in your project directory and push it to GitHub. Execute the below command one by one.
code __main__.py
git init
git add .
git commit -m "First commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin https://github.com/MakendranG/Pulumi_Challenge.git
git push -u origin main
git remote add origin github.com/MakendranG/Pulumi_Challenge.git - Update your github repository
Deploy by installing Pulumi Push
- Return to the Pulumi service console, select the Settings tab, then select Deploy. To enable the Pulumi deployments, first install the Pulumi GitHub.
- After installation, you will be prompted for deployment options. Select the organization/GitHub repository, branch, and directory you want to join. Scroll down to Environment Variables and provide your cloud credentials (e.g., AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN for AWS).
Deploying the stack using Pulumi Deployments
- To start the deployment, select the Actions button, then select Update and Deploy.
- Go to the Actions tab. Selecting a new deployment will display the deployment log with details about the deployment.
Endpoint verification
Finally, verify that the deployed infrastructure endpoints are working. You can copy the endpoint URL from the output section of the deployment log.
You have completed the Pulumi Challenge. Run pulumi destroy -y
to remove all these resources. Otherwise, you can play with your own infrastructure! Just add what you want and change the git repo to Pulumi Deployments and a new deployment will start.
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